New permissions and in-app payments. Why?
The latest release of Custom Google Background brings some apparently controversial changes. I made the decision to split the functionality into an upgradeable model offering the basic features for free and more advanced features available for a (token) fee of 99p. My reasons for this were to reflect the time I spend maintaining, updating and supporting the extension. With 140,000+ users I am finding myself regularly answering support queries and often debugging users individual issues.
Along with this decision came the requirement for additional extension permissions. This is used only to allow access to the payment gateway and activation mechanism. I reiterate that your personal information is not tracked, stored or sold.
Regardless, reading the reviews some people are not happy about these changes. Whether that is due to a misunderstanding of the reasons, a reluctance or inability to pay, or just a sense of entitlement.
The few users who were kind enough to donate when the extension was free have been given the full features free of charge. If you have donated, but have not received your activation codes, please contact me!
Version 6 changes and future
This version includes an update to also place your background on the new tab page, and options to hide the 'most visited' tiles. There are other positive changes coming in future versions, including a 'Backup Settings' option to recover your backgrounds and options in the event of corrupted data. I will also be including an option to not show the background on the 'new tab' page at the request of some users.